Social Media Marketing

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Point of Sales (POS) Software Consultancy

Point of Sales (POS) Software Consultancy

We provide Point of Sales (POS) Software Consultancy. With POS Billing Sysytem get your business at your fingertips. This package is design for maintaning complete billing system on daily basis for small to medium sized companies like apparel garments store, super store & super markets, resturants, pharmacies & medical stores, cosmetic & gift stores, bakeries etc. We are providing this modules with following configration
* Barcode stickers printing facility
* on the spot receipt print out supporting
* Invoice records for later use
* Item records with picture, barcode & item code
* Automatic backup option
* Can be linked with inventory & accounts modules
* Centralized sysytem also available
* etc etc.
Call for Demo Presentation or visits. Installation in quickest time. Shabbeer Hussain +92 3223557534, +92 3212997881, +92 37095238